
DATANZDA À Propos Impro .4. / 25.9.2007

Debatte und Performance Experimente.

Einladung eines internationalen ImprovisationsLehrers.
Mit professionellen Workshopteilnehmern wird unter der Leitung von Mark Tompkins (cie I.D.A) ein Workshop durchgeführt; die Arbeitsergebnisse werden im Form einer Präsentation mit anschliessender Publikumsdiskussion gezeigt.

" When improvising, each performer is working simultaneously on many different levels of perception ; listening, watching, sensing, acting, reacting to one's self and one's partners in a given space and time.The art of improvisation resides in each performers abilities to remain open to the wealth of internal and external impulses, and to receive, process, and propose material in an uninterupted flow of feedback. How to avoid overload, how to be actively attentive, how to do "nothing" and still act. These are some of the questions we will confront through a series of improvisational structures and games that deal with inner and outer concentration, simultaneous time, changing states, and the relationship of the watcher and the doer, both as performer and as spectator. " - Mark Tompkins -
read more : www.idamarktompkins.com/

Performer : Verena Weiss, Ivan Wolfe, Mark Tompkins,
Eva Richterich, Dorothea Rust, Silvano Mozzini, Brigitte Jagg,
Simone Blaser, Angelika Ächter
Moderation : Dr. Wolfgang Gerke

photo : Frans Poelstra
S/W Photographie : Christian Glaus
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